Is marriage an achievement? Ladies should get a life.

Whether marriage is an achievement or not has caused an endless controversy amongst lots of people, Africans in particular.

Looking into the society nowadays, most ladies grow up having just a single wish which is to find a husband.

Should a lady limit herself just to marriage??

Marriage is a legal or formal union of two persons as a couple in a personal relationship. Some parts of the World seem to have mistaken the reasons for marriage. There are three main reasons why people get married or should get married.

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Companionship: When God created the World, he made Adam first. Adam was very sad and God discovered he needed a companion so as to be happy. The Lord got him all sorts of animals but he was never pleased. God in his wisdom decided to create a creature from Adam’s ribs that looked like him. He then created Eve. Eve made Adam very happy because she was a companion to him. So marriage is first of all for companionship. A companion is one who makes you happy, y’all can laugh together, play together etc. Now lots of people have taken this to the wrong direction. Most men especially those in Africa, Asia and other continents think a woman’s place is in the kitchen. What do I mean by this ? They just want a woman who can cook for them, wash their clothes and do chores. According to them, it’s an obligation such that they feel that it’s a taboo for men to handle stuff like that.

In this case, most women are in fear and assume men are rare so rush into marriage. Most ladies don’t have a vision,no plans or anything because they want to quickly get married and perform these duties. When they are still single, they abandon education and other stuff just to learn how to do chores for fear that no man will ever come to them if they aren’t good at it. Those who manage to have ambitions are being threatened that if they go higher in school or work to get money, no man will marry them.

This has caused more harm than good. In this case, one can happily say marriage is not an achievement. When men work and stress alone while their wives are just home, it easily pisses them off and they are likely to ill treat them. What is marriage then if you aren’t happy? You are suffering and sufferings can’t be called an achievement.

So here, marriage is only an achievement if people get married for companionship and not for personal greedy reasons.

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Procreation : Another purpose for marriage is procreation. After Adam and Eve sinned against God, he told them to go and multiply. “… Be fruitful [bear fruit], and multiply [increase], and replenish [fill] the earth …” (Genesis 1:28).

Having children makes one very happy so in this case, marriage can be considered an achievement not just to women but equally to men.The very nature and character of God is to multiply life.

Protection : A man has as duty to protect his wife and not force her to do what she doesn’t want under the name of ‘no man will marry you’. If a lady wants get higher in her education, permit her. That’s love, that’s protection.
A husband is to protect his wife by laying down his life for her. (See Ephesians 5:25.) A wife is to protect the interests of her home. (See Titus 2:4–5.) Parents are to protect their children to raise up a Godly seed.If this is done then marriage can clearly be seen as an achievement.

In a nutshell, ladies should get a life and stop being scared of not finding a man. Marriage isn’t hell but more of love.

Thank you all for reading.

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