Outstanding Cameroonian musical  collaborations so far.

We have been seeing Cameroonian artists bringing different artists for collaboration due to one reason to the other which I wouldn’t want us to focus on. But for sure we will one day talk on it, to see why some artists do collaborations despite the fact that they are already established. For now, I will want us to talk about some outstanding collaborations so far in the Cameroon music industry. As we all know, Afriblinksblog tries to bring you entertainment in another phase, we research, we interview, we infer, we observe, we present the fact for you to judge. I know how fans always react when they don’t see their favorite artists, or songs amongst the best but with Afriblinksblog, we don’t discriminate nor are we biased. We love and support any Cameroonian art just like it’s our first priority. This is just to remind fans that don’t get worried and troubled if you don’t see any of your artists or songs amongst what you are about to see. With love and joy we give to you outstanding Cameroonian collaborations so far in Cameroon. Beginning from the the best to the good and looking at the discoveries behind the collaborations.

1: Tzy Panchak ft Cleo Grae, Vivid and Tina Vernyuh in the hit “Na So” Na So cover 800x371
This collaboration occupy the first position. The “na so” hit, which means “this is” to those of my brothers and sister who don’t understand pidgin English, is a collaborative musical initiative that was initiated by Tzy Panchak in which he collaborated with some young talented upcoming Cameroonian artists to make their dreams come through. Though most Cameroonian artists don’t like to be referred to as upcoming, but for our understanding, we have no choice than saying ‘upcoming’. The “Na so” hit saw so many positive reactions on it from many artists and Cameroonians. For the hit to occupy the first position, its actually a fact of no doubt it deserves it.looking at the intention, the message, the reactions of people, the melodious art of the track, you will want to add a plus to it position to make 1+.The hit led to the introduction of so many artists in the industry. It was a revelation to many. We want to use this opportunity to congratulate Tzy Panchak and the “na so” crew. You did a wonderful job.
2. Ambe ft All star, in the track “na for Bafut”img 4774 800x800
This initiation from the Bafut boy Ambe deserves a presidential accolades. Don’t get me wrong when I say so, this collaboration brought in super talented Cameroonian artists to come up with an Xmas and new year song dedicating it to all Cameroonians. Did you see the manner at which Cameroonian cultures was engulfed in the entire video?? God, the collaboration is all the way up. It will remained superb in as far as we have Xmas and many new years to celebrate. Initially Ambe sang this song alone but later on decided to do a remix of it featuring other Cameroonian artists like Mr Leo, Magasco, Blanche Bailly, Tzy Panchak, Boy Tag, Salatiel, Askia and Ambe himself, then,almost all top Cameroonian Video directors directed it. Telling us how united Cameroonian artists are. Though many criticized it for not involving outstanding Francophone musicians ,the track still deserve it position.
3. Power by Magasco. 23334262 1706193559413106 6065985413650679522 o 800x600
The power series music that’s is breathed by Empire Company,Magasco’s former music house. It is one of the first collaboration to have bought more than 5 artists on a track. It Collaborated artists like Locko, Tenor, Rythmes,Minks,Mimie,Ko’c and Magasco himself. Power feels In the gap that we saw lagging in Ambe’s “na for bafut” which didn’t feature any Francophone artist.
4 Ngoma ft Kikoh, Nernos in the hit “Mangosi“.Mangosi 800x800
Now, let me be factual, the first time I came across this ‘piste’ I was like, are they really Cameroonians? I watched and watched, re-watch before I could believe my eyes. This “Mangosi” track got all lovers of hip hop in Cameroon surprised. I always wander why the track has never been nominated for best collaboration. Or maybe I haven’t come across one ?? In which I’m not sure. The collaboration is defined as one of the best ever rap collaboration in the country and ever since “Mangosi” was released,we are still to see such a collaboration in the country. Bravo Ngoma, Kikoh and Nernos.
5. My way by Stanley Enow featuring Locko and Tzy Panchak. 41688285 309381016491407 3488198878182768640 n
One fan asked, who in Cameroon doesn’t know ‘my way’??a hit that saw Kamer Finest, most fashioned and vocal artists. It’s not false that anything that have to do with Stanley is always super excellent. Just being factual. The track “my way” was like a rebirth of hope in Cameroon. The video quality, we shouldn’t talk about it because in a year time, we will still be talking about it.. Everything about it, is excellent, the artists, the video quality you can name the rest.
6 Numerica remix of “Valide” featuring Ko’c,Magasco and Mr Leo. Valide Remix 800x883
Most offend ,we see anglophone artists featuring Francophone artists, but rare to see a Francophone artists featuring anglophone artists not that they don’t do collaboration together just saying it rare and if any, it’s always with a single artist.but this time around, Numerica didn’t just feature 1 but 3. ‘Valide’ was recognized and consumed by many, it dancing steps, it’s nominations and the artists diversities was acknowledged.
7. Blaise B ‘clando’ft Mr Leo and Salatiel. 3614978977867 600
This collaboration was admired and danced by many. The hit spiced the music Industry. The big Gs of alphabetter record really got everyone surprised. With the combination of 3 vocal and distinguish voices filled with the glamour of music in it. I almost didn’t attend classes for a week when ‘clando’ was released. ‘Clando’ ends our list of the best collaboration so far in Cameroon. But before we go, let me tell you something I noticed in this article.
– Most of the collaboration were directed by Dr Nkeng Stephen
-Cameroonian female artists don’t do collaboration among themselves.
-Tzy Panchak and Magasco featured in at least 3 of the collaboration
-Tina Vernyuh and Mimie are they only queens amongst Kings.
– The list of Collaborations are actually the finest so far in the country

          -Finally the collaborations are as from three  or more artists. 
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