(Watch and Download) Askia – Let's talk.

Cameroonian rapper Askia stands up for those suffering because of the Anglophone crisis in her brand new song.

Cameroonian rapper Askia calls on Cameroonians to talk <<Let’s talk>> rather than keep killing their brothers and sisters.
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She says:

For Christ sake, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

So many people die and lots are living in pain because of this crisis. She says:
All what we want was change and a little upgrade.
Why kill a man saying you thought it was somebody else?
She cries out that all what the people want is a <talk>. Because so many people are dying for the wrong reason.
According to her, you can replace everything but not the life of a man.She hopes they don’t come with a gun right to her face for trying to talk.
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