« See, some people telleme say make I draw pass though because they like to see the way I’m twisting so. Generally some rappers them Dey really gat sick flows. I go give them medication for them too slow. That your small foot them no go fit my shoe size, though. No Dey bite meat way you nofit chew bro. I no dey here for impress I wanna make some dog. I dey shit for toilet but you still dey shit for Pooh. No be by age way u go respect.
Some people them tell me say I Dey copy at the same time tell me what you expect. When the very people wanna be like ko-c and if you respect talent you go live long. We no be mate cause everybody fit write song and I no care if you be baboon or King kong anybody fit be King Kong for ei own kingdom. Una Dey compare, Samsung or Nokia. There’s no match in the game I swear, ei be like Nathalie Koah & Coco Émilia. »
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