Tenor, the Cameroonian rapper returned to Newbell prison a few months after his provisional release and took a strong stand against the prisoners.

Provisionally released, Tenor visited his fellow inmates at Newbell Prison as a sign of support, comfort and recognition while awaiting the outcome of the trial. According to the information relayed on the Cameroonian artist’s social media account, he was accompanied by his friends Nernos, Shyne, Cysoul who were keen to provide him with their contributions for this occasion.

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Tenor paid a visit to these prisoners with food stuff & more. He made several food and non-food donations to the latter because he knows their living conditions in this prison.

It must be said that this gesture of the Cameroonian rapper towards the prisoners of Newbell is really beneficial. Recall that Tenor was provisionally released from this prison few months ago, in the case concerning his accident which cost the life of the young Éricka Mouliom in Douala, Cameroon.

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